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Wat本周12星座运势排行榜06 14 06 20 水瓶挥别过往,摩羯戳破假像
er bottle sign is ruled by planet Uranus, which is known for its unpredictable and erratic behavior. This makes the period of water retrograde particularly challenging for those born under this sign. This period can bring a range of obstacles and difficulties, especially in terms of communication, technology, and travel. However, once the retrograde period is over, Water bottle signs can expect a shift in their luck and fortunes. You may begin to notice a positive change in your overall energy levels and outlook towards life. The obstacles and challenges that you faced during the retrograde period can finally start to clear. Moreover, the period of Water retrograde can also be a time for introspection and reflection. It may have forced you to reassess your priorities and make important decisions in your life. You may find that after th『浏览更多 配对资讯请关注 :105星座运势网,WWw.W105.Com』e retrograde period, you have a newfound sense of clarity and direction. In terms of your personal relationships, you may find that you are more attuned to your emotional needs and better equipped to express yourself. Your communication and listening skills may also improve, making it easier for you to connect with those around you. Overall, the period of Water retrograde can be challenging for Water bottle signs. However, once it passes, you can expect a positive shift in your fortunes. Use this time to reflect on your priorities and make important decisions that will positively impact your future.青峰12星座12月运势解读,水逆结束后是继续消沉还是扶摇直上


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