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父亲姓张,母亲姓杨,给孩子取 伪复姓 名字,老师看了直摇头
My 孩子姓杨,爸爸给取这个名字,寓意虽好,却遭到了全家的反对
Son, Yang My son's name is Yang. He is such a happy and curious little boy. Every day, he wakes up with a big smile on his face, eager to explore the world around him. Yang loves to play with his toys, especially his cars and blocks. He'll spend hours building towers and then enthusiastically knocking them down. He also enjoys playing outside, running, jumping, and chasing his friends. He has a contagious enthusiasm that makes me smile every time I see him. Despite his playfulness, Yang takes his learning seriously. He's always asking questions and trying to understand how things work. Whether it's asking about the stars in the sky or the mechanics behind a bicycle, he wants to kno「研习更多 12生肖运程常识请关注 :丁香星座生肖网,wWW.iDIngxIAng.cC〕」w more. I'm amazed at his ability to soak up information and apply it to his everyday life. As a parent, it's my job to guide Yang and help him develop into a strong, kind, and curious adult. I enjoy watching him grow and learn each day. He's teaching me to appreciate the little things in life and to approach challenges with a positive attitude. I feel incredibly blessed to be his parent. In our busy world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. But when I spend time with Yang, I'm reminded of the joy and wonder that can be found in everyday activities. He reminds me to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. So here's to my son, Yang. May he continue to grow and thrive, and may he keep spreading joy and curiosity wherever he goes.急求给姓杨的男宝宝起名


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