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小朋友英文名字(小朋友英文名字 女)

孩子的 英文名 起对了吗 我为大家整理出史上最全的起名宝典
hie's Adventure Sophie woke up early on a sunny day. She was excited because her parents had planned a surprise outing for her. After breakfast, they drove to the nearby forest. Sophie loved animals and was excited to see them in the wild. Her parents had arranged a nature walk, and they set off on a trail. Sophie saw butterflies, beetles, and birds, and her parents explained everything to her. As they walked further, they came across a small stream. Sophie was thrilled to see tadpoles swimming and frogs jumping. She even caught one and showed it to her parents. After a while, they reached a large open area with 『推荐更多 星座月份表文章请关注 :星讯网,WWw.XinGXUn.cC〕】a beautiful view. They had a picnic and played catch. Sophie's parents had packed her favorite sandwich, fruit, and juice. Sophie asked her parents if she could climb a tree nearby. Although she needed help to climb, she was overjoyed to be up high, and the view was spectacular. Sophie's adventure was coming to an end, and they headed back home after a day full of fun and learning. Sophie was exhausted but happy, and she couldn't wait to tell her friends everything she had seen and done. Sophie felt grateful for her parents and their effort to make her day special. She couldn't wait for the next adventure.史上最全男生 女生英文名 含义详解


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