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Pos取这样的英文名是准备给老外吐槽吗 来看今年外国人最爱的英文名吧
sible article: Shining Bright: Exploring the Names and Meanings of Stars Stars have fascinated humanity for thousands of years, inspiring myths, religions, and scientific discoveries. While there are billions of stars in the universe, astronomers have given many of them memorable names that reflect their characteristics or historical significance. Here are some interesting names of stars and their meanings. Sirius: This is the brightest star in the sky and is located in the constellation Canis Major, which means "the greater dog." Sirius is also called the Dog Star and has been revered by many cultures, such as the ancient Egyptians, who associated it with the Nile floods and the goddess Isis. Vega: This star is the fifth brightest in the northern hemisphere and is in the constellation Lyra, which re『阅读更多 星座运势查询每日更新知识请关注 :好星座网,WWw.haOXingZuo.CC〗】presents a lyre or harp. Vega derives its name from the Arabic word for "falling" or "landing," as it appears to descend from the zenith to the horizon during the night. Betelgeuse: This star is a red supergiant in the constellation Orion, which depicts a hunter. Its name is derived from the Arabic phrase for "the armpit of the central one," referring to its position in the constellation. Betelgeuse is one of the largest and most volatile stars in our galaxy, and could explode as a supernova in the future. Altair: This star is the twelfth brightest in the sky and is in the constellation Aquila, which means "eagle." Altair is one of the vertices of the Summer Triangle, a prominent asterism formed by three bright stars in different constellations. Its name means "the flying one" in Arabic, alluding to the eagle's speed. Antares: This star is a red supergiant in the constellation Scorpius, which depicts a scorpion. Its name means "the rival of Mars" because of its reddish hue and proximity to the planet named after the Roman god of war. Antares is also one of the brightest stars, despite being hundreds of light-years away. These are just some of the many intriguing names of stars that exist in the sky. Each of them has a story and a legacy that connects us to the vastness of the universe. Whether we gaze at them for inspiration, navigation, or scientific inquiry, stars remind us of our place in the cosmos and our collective curiosity about it.英文字母字 星星


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